Posts Tagged ‘biz’

To think that your computer can be used to make money and not just chat with your friend and family can be very exciting. All you need is an internet connection some patience and motivation. Some skill maybe required, but the training can be found free on the internet.

Here are some examples of how some people are using their computers to make them money.

There are many people on the internet selling products. Some will offer you money to sell their products. This job is usually called an affiliate marketer and many do this every day. There are many affiliate marketing companies online and finding one that can make you the most money can be difficult, but overall it is an exciting way to make money.

Similar to affiliate marketing, there is also network marketing. This usually involves a networked group of companies that are selling internet-based products. There are no shipping costs and your customer base is everyone on the internet.

Writing articles for other people is easy and is worth about $10 per article; this type of work is not boring due to the variety of subjects for articles that people are looking for. You can do this part time or full time.

Believe it or not but you can make money by reading emails, taking surveys, data entry and other labour intense jobs. You can sign up right away and start in only a few hours.

There are many internet markets and sometimes they need help. Becoming a virtual assistant is an easy way to make some cash and to learn about internet marketing. You could be replying to emails, posting on blogs and so on.

Selling private labels is a new way of making money without creating your own products. Do some research on selling PLR products.

Writing blogs and monetizing it can be a fun way of making money. Google AdSense is one way. You get paid by the click whenever somebody clicks on one of the ads that Google supplies.

Use an email marketing list and sell products to the people on this list. You can purchase these lists which make it easier. Affiliate marketing is a good place to get these products to sell.

In summary these are 8 ways to earn extra income from home using your computer. Many people do one or more of these on a part time basis to supplement their income at a very comfortable level.

With so many people looking for work or looking for a change today it’s no wonder that home based jobs are getting a lot more attention in recent months. There are many reasons that this is an appealing option for those who are tired of commutes, office politics, and live in constant fear of cutbacks, downsizing, and companies going under.
Before you take the plunge it’s a good idea to examine some of the benefits and possible drawbacks of a job working at home.
Pros of Working from Home
* Work in your “jammies”. Many professionals do not realize the amount of money that goes into obtaining and maintaining a professional wardrobe. Home based jobs eliminate the need for a huge wardrobe of clothes for different professional occasions. It will also save on the required weekly dry cleaning that goes into maintaining and caring for that wardrobe.
* Eliminate the long commute. How many hours of the day are generally lost in the commute from home to the babysitters, daycare center, etc. to work and then back at the end of the day? How much are those hours worth to you and your family? Don’t simply measure the time that is lost each day by commuting but also count the cost in gas and more frequent maintenance needed on the car in the form of oil changes, new tires, and general wear and tear.
* Job satisfaction. It’s amazing how much job dissatisfaction is the direct result of office politics. Many people find that working alone and in the absence of the “politicking” is a much more peaceful way to work.
Cons of Working from Home
* You are still working for someone else. This isn’t the same as owning your own business. You’re still on someone else’s time clock. This means that they call the shots. You’re working their office hours, meeting their deadlines, and paid what they decide your work is worth.
* Loneliness. Some people seriously dislike their own company. For a few days or even a few weeks it’s great. Over the long haul some people just aren’t designed for the type of solitude that home based jobs require.
* No oversight. While some people are excellent at motivating themselves to get the job done and meet deadlines other people need constant oversight. This is freely available in most work places but employees who work from home often fly under the radar until it’s too late. If you are good at keeping yourself motivated, on target, and on task this should be no problem. If you need a little incentive or encouragement to get the ball rolling this might not be the best choice for you.

Are you afraid you don’t have what it takes to start your own business from home? Many people never seize an opportunity like this by the horns because they fear they don’t have the money, time, or energy to get the job done. This is not to say that you’ll never need all three at some point or another during the journey but when you’re getting started, two out of three ain’t bad.
It is possible to start a business from home without a lot of startup capital. You can even get by without a great deal of time to invest. Slow and steady does more than win the race. It gives you a little time to learn the ropes and ease your way into a home based business of your very own.
So, what do you need to get started on this journey that may be the best little side trip you’ll ever take?
1) Time. You do need to invest some time in a business. In the beginning you won’t need nearly as much as you would need to invest in a brick and mortar business on Main Street, USA. Once your business starts bringing in a little bit of profit you can begin pulling back in other monetary pursuits and investing more time towards your efforts as a home business owner.
2) Muscle. It would be nice if you could do this by magic. Wouldn’t it be great if we could all wiggle our noses in order to get the job done in a flash? But whether you are applying brain muscle, elbow grease, or heart muscle to build your business there is definitely going to be a little bit of muscle needed to get it going right.
3) Money. You will need not a huge mountain of cash to get started with many home based businesses. There are some that cost more than others. Some of the more expensive opportunities exist in the field of direct sales or multi-level marketing (MLM). If you choose Internet marketing, information marketing, or affiliate marketing the costs can be reduced drastically. The learning curve on many of these types of businesses is much larger though than with direct sales so it’s a toss up for most people about which is the better choice.
4) Effort. No business builds itself. If you read ads claiming that you can make money in your sleep with no work on your part, run the other way. Once you’ve put in the long and crazy hours and the money starts trickling in then you can earn while you snooze the night away. It takes effort, hard work, long hours of study, and a few not so nice words hurled at the computer late at night to build your business the right way. When it’s done though the rewards of your efforts to start your own business from home are well worth all of that.
A good place to start is SFI Marketing. A real easy, only business with no cash and an hour a day to go through the 30 day training course. After that, the sky is the limit. You can visit this site or others on my web page …